Have you found close to nature forestry or our activities worth of support? You can donate any amount, one-time or regularly, to the bank account of the civil association Pro Silva Slovakia: SK89 0900 0000 0051 8886 7513
When donating by bank transfer, please type “DAR” (which means a donation) to the message for recipient.
We are a professional and civil initiative independent from the government, any ministry, and we do not serve to any political or financial groups. However, if you are interested to support a specific activity, or if you wish to make a donation contract, please contact us in advance at delegat@prosilvaslovakia.sk .
Our association is non-profit. We cover our running costs from the membership fees, and we carry out activities on a voluntary basis. Therefore, your donation will not be used for covering salaries or overheads of our association. Nevertheless, we cannot avoid external services and costs related to them. Your contribution will enable us to implement more activities, transfer knowledge and share experience on close-to-nature management. We publish the financial report annually (part of annual report)